Born in Mellau (Bregenzerwald/Austria)
As a child in the 1960s am very interested in Asia and everything Asiatic. People, objects, films, stories. Obsession with Asian written characters
In addition: films, reading, watching people, foreign countries, the exotic, collecting, crime, thrilling books and cutting pictures of actors/actresses out of magazines
9 years at school
Study at business College; graduate
In 1977 spend six months in Paris
Afterwards a summer season with farmers in the Bregenzerwald
Moved to Vienna in autumn 1978
Various jobs there including baking pastries, cook, Vienna Folk Festival, two years as buffet woman and accompanying Wolfgang Ambros (Austrias most famous popstar) 1st "Watzmann Musical Tour" through Germany as a "farmer's wife" on stage
In the early 1980s spend a year and a half with Michael Schottenberg's "Theater im Kopf" as production assistant and lighting engineer
Continue to be very interested in Asia, travelling, films, pictures,
the native Indians of North America and Inuit people, watching, strolling through cities, travelling, reading, exhibitions, collecting
Several journeys in Asia, Australia and Europe in the mid-1980s and first film experience
in advertising
2 years with Tale-Film
Subsequently spend 10 years as free-lance production assistant on various feature films and on perfecting my "third eye" – Casting
After 1996 Casting Director for Dor-Film
8 years working successfully
Films - Schlafes Bruder, Hinterholz8, Comedian Harmonists, Silentium, Die Siebtelbauern, Komm, süsser Tod, Brüder I and II,
and many more
After 2003 impossible to have any more strange faces in my head
Resume my search and embark on major journey
Travelling with bacon and cheese as market saleswoman with relatives throughout Germany – very happy time
In autumn 2003 my own pictures break out, and within a short time over a hundred collages have emerged composed entirely of things
I have found somewhere and have collected over a long period
2nd big flea-market (after 2002) – selling much of my stuff
In spring 2004 last casting job for Dor-Film
Permanent visions of ICE
With money from flea-market and borrowed funds set off at the end
of spring 2004 for Greenland
The plan: to stay there for three months,
working as a chambermaid
in a hotel, writing and picking up what finds me – but above all, venturing out into the ICE
On 31. May 2004, during heavy rain, set foot on Greenland in Kulusuk
And despite the arrangements, nobody there to pick me up
Alone in the ICE
Powerful months in Greenland: heaven&hell
Far out in the Arctic, first encounter with sea lions, whales and – huge icebergs
Heart beating. Respect. Overwhelmed. Moved. Gentle affection, constant amazement. Gigantic miracle.
On 7. July in a sort of slow-motion, THE FALL into icy cold water,
in full Greenland outfit, as I jump to and from between two boats
Long Titanic feeling in the water among the icebergs
Rescued by Arctic hunter Gideon
Early September fly back from Greenland to Vienna and travel
to bizarre places in Germany once more as market saleswoman
Industrial zones, highway intersections, huge shopping malls in
no-man's land, gas stations and markets in the twilight – instead of ICE
Back in Vienna, work constantly for weeks on end on the collages
with hardly a pause
Big response when I show my work
In March 2005 sell the first collage, followed by many more,
in other countries as well
In May 2005 death of my brother Wolfgang
Spend a long period with my family in Mellau
Diving. Surfacing. Like the whales of Greenland
5. and 6. November 2005: exhibit collages in the 'Kulturraum Bregenzerwald'/Austria
3rd big flea-market in autumn, again happily externalise my possessions
Long pause necessary – only a few collages
9.-12. November 2006 major exhibition "waiting"
Siebensterngalerie Ruth Maier/Vienna
10.-20. April 2008 exhibition "short pornos"
Mican Film/Vienna
9.-31. October 2008 exhibition "short pornos"
Liebenswert - feminine Lebensart/Vienna
14. November 2008 – 8. February 2009 exhibition AUSTRIAconTEMPORARY is a part of a series of exhibitions
3. October 2009 exhibition 'Lange Nacht der Museen' in Götzis/Austria
© Barbara Vögel